The secret to healthy, happy skin

Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine, offers a unique and holistic approach to beauty and skincare that goes beyond just creams and facials. It emphasizes nourishing your inner self, understanding your unique constitution, and using natural ingredients to achieve radiant, healthy skin.

Nourishes and protects: Natural ingredients provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, promoting healthy skin.

Reduces imbalances: Addresses specific concerns like dryness, acne, or sensitivity based on your dosha.

Inner and outer radiance: Integrates holistic practices that contribute to overall well-being, reflecting on your skin.

Dosha-Specific Tips
place hold Vata (Air & Ether)

Focus on hydration with nourishing oils (coconut, sesame), calming herbs (rose, sandalwood), and avoid drying products.

place hold Pitta (Fire & Water)

Opt for cooling ingredients like aloe vera, cucumber, and sandalwood, use sun protection, and avoid spicy and oily foods

place hold Kapha (Earth & Water)

Exfoliate regularly with natural ingredients (gram flour), use astringent herbs (neem, turmeric), and choose lighter oils like jojoba.

Key Principles of Ayurvedic Beauty


Holistic approach

Ayurveda recognizes the connection between internal health (diet, digestion, stress), mind-body balance, and skin health. By addressing all aspects, you achieve true beauty from within.


Dosha-specific routines

: Each individual has a dominant dosha (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Tailoring your skincare routine to your dosha helps balance its qualities and address specific skin concerns.


Natural ingredients

Ayurveda utilizes herbs, spices, oils, and other plant-based ingredients with therapeutic properties, avoiding harsh chemicals that can damage the skin.


Gentle cleansing

Harsh cleansers disrupt the skin's natural barrier. Ayurveda emphasizes gentle cleansing with natural ingredients to maintain healthy skin flora.


The best heart hospitals in India boast a success rate of up to 90% for heart surgeries.

When choosing a heart hospital in India, it is important to consider several factors, including-

  • Accreditations
  • The hospital's reputation and experience
  • Quality of care and safety standards
  • Availability of advanced technologies
  • Expertise of the doctors and medical staff
  • And the cost of treatment

India's top heart hospitals can treat a wide range of heart conditions, including coronary artery disease, heart attack, heart failure, arrhythmias, valve disorders, congenital heart defects, and other minimally invasive cardiac surgeries.

Indian heart hospitals offer comfortable and well-equipped accommodation facilities for international patients, including private rooms, multilingual staff, and personalized care packages to ensure a comfortable stay during treatment.

The typical duration of stay required for heart surgery in India varies depending on the specific procedure and individual patient recovery, but it often ranges from 7 to 14 days for most routine cases.